Tuesday, January 30, 2018


The patron saint.

Who is my patron saint. 

This project, my work in video games. 

My patron saint is increpare

Make video games. Make video games about everything. Make video games about unorthodox and intimate things. Make many types of video games. Make video games quickly. Make video games slowly. Make dumb games. Make smart games

Dont stop making games. Make hundreds of games. 

Be thoughtful.  Be impulsive. Be deliberate.

~ ~ ~ 

Most of the games I make nowadays are dedicated, in some part, to the influence of increpare. His games feel simultaneously accessible from a technical point of view but wildly inventive and experimental from a creative point of view. 

When I first began thinking about games, I remember there was a shift moment when I was playing increpare's games where I went from thinking: how does he do this?? to Oh, okay, I think I could make something close to this. I don't mean this in a bad way. Nor do I mean to say that I ever thought I would have ideas as inventive as increpare's. However, being able to look at a creator's work who inspires me, and think, if I set myself to it, I could imitate that, is a really powerful thing. Furthermore, he has such a range of games, from tiny to huge, from hastily drawn pixel graphics to complex 3D environments that not only could I see how to built a simple game, but I began to see the path from simple to complex. And yet, that never devalued the simple games. Some of my favorite games of his are the simplest. That was also revolutionary for me. 

~ ~ ~ 

So yeah. Increpare is my video game patron saint. His creative output constantly inspires me to create more. To create better. To create odder. To create more honestly. 

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